is a strong feeling !It makes one feel passionate.I totally believe that one does not fall in love but he rises in love.I too have rose in love.Love have made me feel beautiful about myself. It has matured me.Love has enhanced my personality. Love comes with lot of insecurities but I have overcomed it because of the support I received from my soulmate.lots of obstacles keeps coming in the path.How one deals with it is where love takes a test.I still remember I was in my hometown during my weekends as I always do to relax from my job.I got a call from him.I smiled when I saw his name on my phone screen.I picked it up."Hey !" He said. "I've got an interview today,The location is overseas." Me confused .""Where is the location "."Its overseas "He grinned! "Overseas?" "Where?"I asked ."Dubai"He said..Silence overtook!
Collecting myself from the trauma of what I had heard I bid him good luck because I always wanted to become a support to him and not a restriction.Though I was not sure that whether he is really going but still I took it in a very positive way.It was not the first time that he was going far way for job purpose.The previous time he had gone to Jodhpur for a couple of months and it was difficult for him to visit me often.I was happy for him.I supported him.I had a great shopping done for him! It was a all gala time!For him,he has always been an ideal boyfriend.Taking care of me all the time!Calling me often!It was a good experience even then,but it was in the native country.Our very own country.But now he had planned for overseas.Completely different country .Different rules,religion,language and problem of phone calls a major one.
Finally I got a news that he have been shortlisted and he is surely going to Dubai  but after few months.Well I still had few months I believed .Consoled myself!
But days pass too snappy and the final day of going to Dubai came.I still remember that morning when I decided to see off him from the Airport.It was a sinking feeling in my heart .A pain.A misery!!Though happiness of his blossoming career too."Take care of yourself" He looked into my eyes !! and it was his time to board.I for the first time had visited the airport.As soon he entered inside I found myself all alone suddenly.Nobody around!My eyes filled with tears !I hid my tears from the rest of the world and walked down the stairs to book a cab .Getting signals in the airport was hard.I quickly stood next to the pillar (one of the pillars)so that driver could locate me easily .Finally after a hustle I boarded a cab and during my entire journey I felt nothing .....just nothing.It was an emptiness.(Now I realize why that heartbroken song titles emptiness)..Anyways I freshened up in my room and went to my office."I have reached the airport of Dubai" happily he replied.I was happy that at-least we can contact each other,but this did not last longer whatsapp stopped working and the video call too.I got few watsapp images with the 5 -star Hotel pictures ."Baby its a 5-star Hotel for 2 months"."Wow" I smiled.I was happy for him.
Next morning I got a message from him telling his new international number.Now finding a code of a new country and applying the code was a pretty tedious task for me.I had a country code + area code + the number.Well after all the surfing of the internet and an international pack after confirming from the customer care .I started calling him.I was too excited.I knew he would be really happy to hear my voice.But , it did not connect.One hour,two hours.not connected.Then I googled up the procedure. Removed few figures and there I go!!it worked ."yeaahhhhh".The true caller on my phone read U.A.E .I was happy."Hello " A familiar voice came from the other side."I grinned ."Yah ,Hi thats me".So here the long distance relationship initiated..(at a good note)!!
The mornings starts with a Good morning and it ends with a loving Goodnight.I feel more strong even if he is far.Its been always an excitement to talk to him after job ,in the mornings.Love has grown more strong.Long distant relationships are extremely healthy.It builds up trust ,understanding .It makes you patient!
Who says that long distant relationships have no future.Its not about the distance.Its about the feelings. I remember I had a chapter in my English Literature book during my school named as "Love across the salt dessert".
I loved this story.It had shown the love of a girl and a boy living across the border.How they managed to make their love strong ,fighting the religion barriers.Sometimes childhood fantasies makes you learn lot of things.No clue I had at that tender age that when I grow up I will love someone so intensely .Irrespective of the distance,Irrespective of any kind of obstacles .So the people out their who have their beloved ones far.Make your love remain stable in heart irrespective of anything.If one is true .The true love will revert back.


  1. I too have a love story...And I can totally relate to ur story...And the way u described is awe inspiring...I loved it :)

    1. Thank you for your appreciation! Good luck with your love :) dear...


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