Being studious had always been my nature since school, since childhood. I remember when I was a kid I loved studying "one could call me a bookworm."My parents would buy me my textbooks for my winter vacations and I would out of excitement read my English lessons beforehand. I loved studying. I wanted to become a doctor. It was not that my parents wanted, I myself had this kind of wish. Though one does not get into the similar track which he aspires at one point in time. School had always been my favourite. I loved doing my homework on time and felt happy about receiving full marks. We had to get the daily test signed by our parents and it was a task to get it signed by my father on scoring low marks but on getting good marks, it was all gala time for me. One smile on my father's face after looking at my marks and that would make my day. Oh !This was my childhood small dream but as I grew Dreams became big and expectations too!
It was time to move onto the city for the further studies or a career growth. My parents had a lot of things in their minds regarding which city would be preferable. Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida were the first priorities as my elder sister was already working in Gurgaon. But earlier I didn't want to leave Shimla at first place because this is my birthplace and I didn't wish to compensate anywhere at any cost. But unfortunately, I had to move to the new city to shape up my career. Somehow I managed to convince my parents for Chandigarh as the City Beautiful is close to Shimla and the hustle and bustle like the urban areas have, Chandigarh is quite far from it! It is peaceful and good for youngsters and older section of the society as well.
Well! I packed my bags and decided to move to the City Beautiful. Well since I was a very pampered child and it was a big deal for me to stay alone in a completely different city with strangers. My parents came along and my father's friend had already arranged a paying guest accommodation close-by to my study centre. It was a 2 seater room and fortunately or unfortunately I had no roommate. Well, everything was fine until in the initial days I started feeling homesick. In my earlier days, I used to rush off back to My hometown every Saturday and then come back early morning. It was a phase of not getting used to the idea of Chandigarh. It was hot, boring (it was what I felt, as Shimla have some really unique fashion of punk style and Gothic attire.)I never met people who are actually genuine in the city. People were really clever and this I realized when I started living alone. Everyone had some or the other selfish motives. Liars, opportunists would be found at every point of time. But eventually, this made me more strong. I at my initial times did not have any goal, it was just a survival but later in my rising years I realized my own values.I remember when I was deciding to go back to my hometown.Decided to pack my bags.Because I was running short of money,had no proper career..but destiny had something else for me.One day I decided to give interviews at random places.There I met a wonderful human being named as Sreya Gosh .The boss of the company.I gave her the interview for finance .I was not in good clothes,no formals ..nothing.The only thing I had was confidence and fluent English.These were the only two assets I carry and no matter what ,these two assets helped me all the way when I had nothing and is still with me till date.So Sreya Gosh hired me in her company .She was a Bengali and I learnt lot from her.The twist in my personality somehow came from here.I used to give cooperate training as well .All these kind of projects enhanced my personality.Talking about the city,I started liking the city.The sectors became very familiar .But one thing I realized as I climbed the stairs of success the people in my life decreased.I filtered many.and I learnt to enjoy my company alone.Earlier I highly used to depend upon the people around but then with the coming years I got to know that rather than staying with selfish people it is better to cut down the friends.Moreover enjoying ones own company is the best method to become independent and confident.I have changed my accommodation more than 15 times.Each time new person I need to share the room but still,I face no difficulty in adjusting .All I have to do I keep a space.I am good with them but I do not compromise my personal space with anyone.When I want to be alone nobody can stop me from that.This helps in keeping a healthy relationship and minimize the differences as well.
So, A girl in the new city was completely innocent but later on with mistakes,lessons, lot of things were learnt.How to deal with individuals have been somehow understood.Life is a lesson and more challenges are accepted  and more it will shapen you up.The learning phase is a never ending zone.I know Iam going to keep learning more things with the increasing time.THERE IS MORE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT LIFE IS...AND CURIOSITY SURELY PAYS!


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