In the era of this competitive world,there has been lots of stress on the parents as well as children in terms of career and life.Peer pressure makes the child more cautious and society overloads the children.Such expectations of the society can make the child anxious and hesitant.The confidence will start deteriorating in them.In this case,how parents should maintain a good upbringing of their children, is a question every parents would like to know.Ideal parenthood can make a child confident as well as successful.Following are the rules which every parents should undergo.

LET THE CHILD SPEAK FOR HIMSELF: It is often noted that whenever a child is questioned something by any outsider ,the parents tend to answer for them.For instance, if a child is asked his name ,the parents would answer instead of the child ,which is totally wrong.Always motivate the child to speak for himself.This will lead to confidence enhancement.

ASK THE CHILD ABOUT HIS DAY:Whenever a child comes at home ,ask him about how his day passed .Avoid questions about tests,marks until they make the first initiative.This create a sense of trust in them

Most of the time,parents tend to scold their children in front of teachers,relatives etc.This is an extremely dangerous act.Correcting them is not wrong but it should be done privately and should be explained with examples rather than reacting  at that point of time.Scolding publically can lead to lack of self confidence among children and makes them stubborn.

GIVING THEM THE POCKET MONEY BUT NOT ASKING ABOUT THE EXPENDITURE DETAIL:Well,pocket money is something we always craved for during our childhood.But if parents ask about the whereabouts of pocket money it shatters the confidence of the child and they begin to feel that they are not capable of managing their expenses well.So it is the foremost duty of the parents to keep a secretive check on where the money was spent by their child,but never question them about how much they spent and saved.Let them manage their finances .Surely when they will get that freedom,they may surprise you by one sweet gift that you would never imagine.

COMMUNICATION:The last and one of the most vital method is opening a communication line with the child .Discussing their thoughts,interests can create a different level of friendship and this builds a comfort zone.Child wants to discuss things with you.In case a guidance is needed ,that can be corrected ,without stress.

So,good parenting can definitely shape up the the life of a child and can relieve him from the pressure of achievements and materialism.


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