Getting a new job is not a big deal nowadays especially for the candidates who have an ample amount of time nowadays.It has been a challenge for the employees to focus in the new job environment.I do not prefer to get happy if I get a new job but rather when I start feeling I am the part of the team and my colleagues respect me and understand my capabilities.Every organisation have its own agenda,the competition and also the politics which every employee have for each other.An individual can remain stable in the office for a long time only if he knows how to step-by-step understand the people,work and also the hierarchy.No matter how much experience one is holding previously,when one enters into a new organization , it is totally a new game which he needs to play,that too slowly and steadily!

So I am here to guide that what all necessary steps one needs to follow during the initial months when one joins a new company:

DO NOT BRAG:No matter how much experience one holds previously,bragging in-front of already stable old employees in a new company does not leaves a good impression instead the co workers will start keeping distance from you and will initiate the hush-hush talks about how the new employee is an arrogant person.

NO INFLUENCE ,PLAY NEUTRAL: Now many-a-times there will be situations that the coworkers of every status will try the new candidate to highlight the negative effects of the company and will also proceed to team up with new one so that the old rivalry could be fulfilled . At this point of time do not get influence by anyone.Observe...Observe ....and only Observe...Do not start taking sides of anyone.One is too new to understand the present scenario.So just observe.

UNDERSTANDING THE HIERARCHY OF THE OFFICE: Who is the reporting person , who decides the leaves and also the performance ,needs to be understood very clearly.This happens mainly in a company which has multifarious branches and one Managing Director .It is very necessary that whatever a new candidate does the whole day needs to be addressed to the reporting person and also the managing director so that in the worst case scenario any employee out of any rivalry is not able to charge him of not performing the responsibilities well.He and his reporting persons has all the performance proofs.So keep your work transparent with the Managing Director throughout.

AVOID INVOLVEMENT IN ANY KIND OF OFFICIAL DISPUTES:Now there are times that the company may face lot of crucial disputes among the employees ,hence try to show least involvement in any of these and only focus in your work and your performance.Work hard because it is not to prove them ,as you internally know that you are capable and experienced but to make your personality extremely vibrant, and no one can in the long run question your capability.So build up that reputation.

AVOID BIG MOUTH:A person of few words always makes it to big .Talkative person often gets trapped in his own words.Hence "THINK BEFORE YOU LEAP" is the best idiom which fits in here.Do not give your opinion about any employee ,do not judge anyone at a premature stage.Take time to differentiate between the good employees and bad employees.That too sort out this only in your own mind.You never know the person you have shared the difference would later become a problem for you.

HABITUAL MAILING: Mails are the only written proofs of what you have done during the work scenario.Mailings your daily reports regularly ,keeping the concerned authorities in cc is the best way to make the higher authorities assure that you are doing your work well.Always mail whatever you have asked for or any leaves taken with concerned authorities in cc.These also serves as proofs for future.

REGULARITY: Regularity really counts .Reporting on time and going back exactly on the fixed time makes you the disciplined worker.9 hours are enough to complete the task .Sitting back after the working hours and going late is no professionalism.!Regularity counts.

AVOID BUTTERING:Buttering is the term which has been one of the most major distracting factor in the office .There are colleagues who do not want to work but only keep their seniors happy by praising them uselessly or doing useless favors like getting them a coffee or massaging their head and many more which might raise your eyebrow.These kind of things show positive effects only in the short run,but in the long run it has adverse effects .Hence concentrating on work rather than making the seniors happy is ethically right in the profession.

WELL DRESSED ,CONFIDENCE AND POSITIVE: These are the three aspects which needs to be put in the mind of a very fresh employee .If some one annoys you , just wear a confident smile and say." Well I've been used to such a situations,its okay."Good clothes will make you confident as well.

So ,go on....by the mean time as the months will pass by,employees will be used to with your hard work and dedication and they will start liking you as well.You will also feel the part of the company and even you will understand how to tackle the boss,colleagues and work too.Yow will completely be in shape to take decisions cautiously and UNDERSTAND THE OFFICE CULTURE !!!!


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