These three words kills the relationship, according to most of the masses.What does actually these words mean.When a person says "Give me some space".It definitely doesn't mean that a person shares some kind of boredom with a specific person ,but it means that there is some peace wanted by an individual so that he can understand himself,analyse his weakness and also understand his contribution towards the life.There are times when an individual spends half of his life surrounded by friends all the time.

There is nothing wrong in enhancing a social circle ,after all human is a social being but it should be noted that sometimes when one does not give enough time to himself ,it can lead to no motive in life.Running in a rat race,which means running in the same path like everybody else is running irrespective of understanding one's own ability.Too much involvement leads to irritation and loose all the concentration .Be it parents,children,siblings,friends or even spouse.When a so called "alone time"is not given to the particular person, it can lead to frustration and loss of interest for him.

A person always surrounded by people all the time is a negative thing for any individual.It can be rightly said that "Space is needed to feed the soul". There are many successful people who try staying alone and independent most of the times.This helps in enhancing their skills and also increase the concentration .Self observation is very essential in one's life.

People getting too clingy was never appreciated by me ever.Lot of people always drives one crazy.They limit ones sense of differentiating between what is right and what is wrong.To cite an example, I like being helpful to everyone but I would never appreciate anyone to interfere in my life or over indulge in my matters or not letting me be myself.It restricts me from living my life freely.This is not being selfish ,or introvert, this is basically keeping a thin line between having someone around and not letting him  or her to poke in the personal matters .

People who spend at-least one hour daily with themselves which is also known as alone time are far more successful ,thoughtful and innovative as compared to the ones who are always surrounded by number of people.Spending alone time is a saga of understanding inner self.Self realization and acceptance of failures in a positive way are the characteristics which are received by taking a space from everyone.

Nowadays with the advent of the technology,people generally do not get free time to devote to themselves and they are most of their times engaged in technological inventions like television,computers,mobile phones etc.So control over these electronic gadgets is also essential to bring peace in mind.

Self centerdness is a characteristic which is borne in people who do not like interacting with any one but taking some personal space ,and spending some alone time are two very different factors.It is rightly quoted by Frida Kahlo ,"They thought they were surrealist ,but I wasn't. I never painted dreams.I painted my own reality."

Quoting another viewpoint,"Pour a liquid out of its container,and it changes its shape,fills the space you give it.So if one give space to their children,it may surprise you where they will go and what shape they will take."which is rightly said by Nancy Gibbs.This is the space that should be given by the parents to their children.Being overprotective to their child not only reduce his confidence but also makes him dependant,coward and a rebel.

Talking about the space in the relationships a little space,time and distance can often be what the relationship needs to bloom at its best.This will help an individual to grow as a person and it will mature the relationship as well.You might be wondering about what is the best way to give space to the people around especially the closed ones.Every now and then always give some time to the respected individuals, and this will also give them chance to think,evaluate and miss them.

Also as a human being its not only giving personal space , one should take some alone time as well.So the question arises what are the methods to give yourself space too from the entire world.

  • Meditation early in the morning at-least for one hour brings peace to the soul and refreshment in life as well.For the beginners meditation for one hour will be very difficult so it should be only for 10 minutes and then gradually extended upto 10 more minutes for the consecutive days.
  • Preferring a walk for short distances rather than any transport.This will help in the enhancement of the observation.The more one starts observing life ,the more power of understanding the various aspects of life are understandable.
  • Stop being clingy to anyone. Either its your best friend or a partner or even a roommate.Do not poke in their matters.Respect their space.Analyse their mood and only then initiate any conversation because as you sow ,so shall you reap.Only then a similar behavior will be conducted towards you.This makes a person sound sensible and mature and with less conflicts.
  • Listening to one's favorite kind of music always leads to good mood and also helps to take a break from the hustle and bustle from the environment.
  • Take up any hobby like learning an instrument, dance class or a music class which would help in identifying one's own interests.
Hence ,giving a personal space means getting a good personal space!Think about it .Whether you want to lead a life which is heading nowhere under the influence of surrounding friends ,relatives etc or staying good to everyone and making one's own path, understanding life by own mistakes and achieving success with no restrictions.Obviously everybody will chose the second path but nothing is that easy,it needs determination ,mature mindset, ability to stay alone and have the courage to be independent.Ponder for a while and the decision is all up to you!


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