Lots of places in India  has maintained its charm till now.One of them certainly is Shimla which is Evergreen as before.It is located in the northern part of India .The name Shimla was derived from "Shymalaya " meaning blue house said to the name of house built of blue slate by a faqir on Jakhu. According to one version Shimla takes it name from "Shamla" meaning a blue female,another name for Goddess Kali.The place was on the Jakhu Hillside ,there was a temple of Goddess Kali.The most popular temple named as Jakhu temple is built on the Jakhu Hills in the name of Lord Hanumana.It is believed that Lord Hanumana rested on these Jakhu Hills during his journey while carrying sanjeevani booti(medicinal plant) for Lord Ramas brother Lord Lakshmana to cure Him from unconsciousness.It was thereafter considering this place extremely Sacred,Jakhu Temple was built in the name of Lord Hanumana.Shimla is also known as the Sacred residing place of Gods and Goddesses.
The best thing about this hill station is the greenery all around.The Pine Grove trees and the fresh air in the environment is something worth feeling .Here is the video you need to check out on a rainy morning which I captured from my balcony.I am sure you will fall in love with the rain.
Nowadays it has been very difficult to come across a place which is close to nature.Urbanization has reached at its peak,but whenever I visit my hometown I feel that I am in a place where there is no rat race,no materialism,no artificial malls.Everything is a God creation over here.This time when I visited my hometown Shimla on weekends from long monotonous hours,I decided to capture the view from my window.Here is the picture which I clicked after the rain stopped and there was a fresh aroma of soil which mesmerized my mind completely!

Also a video in which you can hear chirping of birds ,cool breeze everywhere and silence.Only peace,No honking...!!!(I hate noise of traffic and honking all the way round so I guess this kind of atmosphere really appeals me)and would definitely be liked by everyone who wants complete detachment from the Urban World.

If we talk about Shimla's culture and traditions ,it is very different from the rest of the Indian States and has retained its old world charm.The culture of Shimla is such that it portrays a sound balance between traditional values and modern thoughts.The culture heritage of Shimla is very traditional,which is the best thing I admire about this place.
Moreover,the houses are built on the mountains and they are strong and well-built.In recent days,people in Shimla have built homes which are modern and at the same designed accordingly so that during snowfall the snow can easily drain off.The roofs are built in such a way that they slide down or one can say that they look like opposite of  alphabet V.

Residents like us know how to walk through these narrow slippery roads!Every Himachali would be great at walking and would love to take up pedestrian path even in the urban areas.(If you can relate to this, you are a pure Pahari)Well...the bushes here and there makes the road lush green.People who love the green sight they will completely fall in love with Shimla.

There are enormous number of tourist spots in Shimla one would like to visit but here I am just covering about what makes me happy about Shimla and also wanted to share few pictures which I clicked from my home window and balcony.I would separately cover the tourist spots in Shimla ,that too in detail.
  For now, I would love to share one of the picture of my balcony where I am always present and I am completely in love with the balconies.So here it goes.....

Balconies are the best structure of the building and one of the essential inventions I believe.So with this, I would like to sum up that Shimla is a place one would crave for!Shimla is a great place to visit and furthermore its climate act as a cherry on the cake.If you are adventurous and want to stay away from hustle and bustle of the cities it is the best place to visit though.

For more information about its directions check in the google map link of Shimla


  1. Superb.....Hope u soon post tourist spots ...Really looking forward to :)

    1. Sure! I'll do that too...M on it right now.


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