When it comes to E Commerce, it is the procedure of selling your products online. It is basically a phenomenon of purchase and sale of goods or services with respect to electric channels such as the internet. There are millions of entrepreneurs who have come up with niche in the world of commerce. Looking back into the history of E Commerce, it was first introduced in 1960 with respect to electronic data interchange (EDI) on the value added networks (VANs) .E Commerce has grown rapidly with the increased availability of the internet access and it has evolved over the years.So, when you have decided that E Commerce is the right business for you, you have actually decided on the right product niche! For many, one of the biggest hurdles is how to get started. You may come up with many beneficial ideas for couple of weeks or even months and then end up with nowhere. Without the too much over thinking of the research process you must come with good strategies and plans which can prove to be uplift in the E Commerce business. It is extremely necessary to come up with the right eCommerce business niche. So here we go and understand that what are the ways to find out the niche in the E Commerce.
  •         Creating an Excel Sheet

Designing an excel sheet to keep intact the strategies in E Commerce is one of the major thing. Online sales are a number game. Excel sheet can assist in E Commerce business with various advantages:
1.     With proper planning the data can be sorted and filtered by just pressing the ENTER button. It can further be converted into charts, graphs and clustered columns.
2.     Data is consolidated into multiple projects and brought into single platform.
3.     Online data access has become easy and the companies can easily access the information through mobile phones as well as cloud.
Thus, when it comes to the productivity of the business, making an excel sheet is one of the most effective method to keep a hold over the E Commerce business in an organized way.

  •       Keyword Volume Research - Google Keyword Planner

      Keyword search volume refers to the volume or the amount of searches for a specific keyword in a given time frame. This basically helps the marketers get a general idea of the competitiveness of the search words and its overall volume. This further helps the SEOs and the marketers to focus on the words which will apparently allow traffic over the time. So the question arises in the mind is that how to get keyword volume research .Google keyword Planner is a part of the Adwords interface to conduct keyword research in the past. It is the most useful tool and it helps in creating a keyword research in the past.
The average monthly search volumes can be seen over a time. It is extremely important to balance volume with the competitiveness. Which term has to be targeted first depends on the individual’s business situation and goals. One of the most important aspect is the Domain authority.
What is a domain authority?
It is basically a general SEO concept and hence the metric created by the friends evaluates the strength of a website that can be calculated from 0-100 logarithmic scale. Thus higher the score, stronger is the website.
Which keywords should I be targeting?
Since know more about the domain authority we need to know that which keywords should be targeted. So the keywords you are targeting should be relevant to the business as a whole.Newer sites may want to target the keywords with lower domain authority and less competitive words.

High Quality Content
Irrespective of its search volumes and competitiveness the content should be valuable and useful. The high quality content is useful and has much of demand.

  •     Checking on the level of competition, what are the indicators of high competition

Every business has its own competitors and it is extremely essential to understand their own strength and weaknesses. In order to achieve success it is important that you identify them and understand how to gauge their effectiveness online. There are various factors to take into account to stride as a business.
1.     Look up to the website of the competitors
Check the competitor’s website and analyse how well it is doing .What products are they offering and also the services. Also check whether the website is simple designed or it is cluttered? Does it provide the information you are looking for easily or not? All these variables will help you to design a picture in your mind about Do’s and Don’ts and hence all of these clues can give you the idea about how you can do better.
2.     SEO
The competitor’s SEO strategy must be checked by their on page keyword strategies and also the linking plans and strategies. The best indicators of the strategy come from the looking up at the data that is visible to the users. Also if the competitor has a blog, keep an eye on what articles are mostly they focusing on? The likes and shares should also be checked on to keep a track.All this will help you in providing and estimation that how well the competitor’s keep up with their customers.
Visiting the social media pages of the competitors is a great idea and by simply checking their Facebook pages, twitter, Instagram etc and noting down their followers list, likes and shares will help to analyse their demand and their knowledge can be molded and used accordingly in own business.
  •      Short listing the choices

It is very essential to short list the choices in the new E commerce business. Hence the checklist should undergo all these factors:
1. You need to arrange and manage what the customers see first.
2. The pages which includes all your E commerce products
3. Blogs and media pages to add the value
4. The customer’s shopping cart, checkout and wish list.
5. Last but not the least; follow up with customers because knowing the demands of the customers and also their feedback is the utmost priority in the E Commerce business.
Thus, all those people who are looking forward for growing and bringing up the productivity in their E Commerce businesses need to understand the market, product demand, their audiences, various strategies to enhance traffic and also the estimation of their competitors which is utmost important. E Commerce is one of the most budding business in recent days and is expected to take up the fast pace in coming times! So grab the opportunity and success will be in your way!


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